PH Tech CIM access

Capitol Dental Care and Salem-based Performance Health Technology (PH Tech) work together ensuring your dental claims processing is simple and efficient.

PH Tech is a company that specializes in processing claims for health plans. Capitol Dental Care network providers can be granted access to PH Tech’s secure web-based tool, Clinical Integration Manager (CIM). All information regarding consultation referrals and others services are entered into CIM and allows providers to check eligibility and authorization status. Also, they have a direct communication line to claims and authorization personnel via email.

To Access the Clinical Integration Manager (CIM) click the link specific to the CCO:

AllCare Health Plan
Intercommunity Health Network CCO
Jackson Care Connect
PacificSource Community Solutions
  • Central Oregon Region
  • Columbia Gorge Region
  • Lane Region
  • Marion and Polk Region
Trillium Community Health Plan
Yamhill Community Care
Capitol Dental Care DCO Region

If you are a contacted provider with Capitol Dental Care and need CIM access, please contact PH Tech at 866-947-9443.

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