Oral Health and Drugs

Using any kind of tobacco brings many other serious risks to your health.

Cancer is the most commonly known result of tobacco use, but there are many other health problems associated with tobacco use such as Periodontitis (gum disease). Adults who smoke are three times as likely to have periodontitis. Quiting smoking is part of treating gum disease.


Tobacco contains cancer causing chemicals. Over 90% of Oral Cancer deaths are related to smoking. Smoking inhibits your body's ability to stay healthy, ward off sickness and will inhibit healing and complicates recovery.

Chewing Tobacco

A smokeless tobacco is linked to oral and throat cancers. Your risk for developing cancer if you chew tobacco is 4-6 x’s as high as non-users. It does also contain sugar which is likely to cause tooth decay.

Cigars and Pipes

Cigar smoke contains the same cancer causing chemicals found in cigarettes. Cigar smokers are 2-20x’s likely to develop oral and throat cancers.

Hookah Pipes

A hookah is a pipe while using water. It has a smoke chamber, bowl, pipe and hose. Using a special blend of tobacco, sweetner and flavor it is heated. While smoke is drawn through the water then inhaled via the pipe. It is a misconception that hookah smoke is a healthy option than smoking cigarettes, though it is just as dangerous. Tar, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, nicotine and other cancer causing chemicals are all present.

Reduce your Risk! By quitting smoking you may actually be able to reverse the negative effects. Get help for quitting now! Let your dentist know when you are ready, we can help. You can also call your local Quit Line.

*Oregon, Washington, and Idaho Quit Line: (800) QUIT NOW or (800) 784-8669

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